Sunday, May 4, 2014
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Minutes January 18th Club Meeting
Wednesday 18 January 2012 at TTSF.
Meeting Commenced 7.40 pm
PRESENT:Graeme Barrett,Maurice Heappey,John Walker,Darrell Couchman,Simon Player,Ian Coles,Eddie Boyd.
APOLOGIES:Roger Bates,Wally Van der Aa
MINUTES OF PREV. MEETING:Read/accepted Graeme/Darrell
INWARDS CORRESPONDENCE:TTSF Splash in Dash-Wed 15 Feb for 5 weeks at 5.30pm.Then Sat 17 March is the day helpers needed.
A/C $3747.33 Graeme/Simon.
1:maurice has talked to Jane Williams and she has joined the club.We are to credit Wally his $20.
2: Graeme asked if Wally has got the pole carving.
3: Lloyd passed around a map of Waikato River Trails.
4: John would like the trophies back please.
5: Sat 25 Feb is end of year function at Darrell’s.
6: Neale Saunders has approached John for volunteers to help repair police bikes,John to say ok.
7: AGM set Wed 15 Feb. at 7.30pm at TTSF.
Maurice to email Christina.
Ride calendar set
Meeting closed at 8.30 pm
Next meeting Wednesday 15 Feb 2012 at TTSF Rooms next to Doctor’s 7.30pm
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Cycling Report
Darrel and Jose have updated their Bikes and are aiming towards the Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge and there are many of the club members entering the round Ruapehu Ride in early February so there have been strong turnouts for the recent road rides including around Rotoaire which is a lovely and testing ride . Also We have Roger Bates training for the upcoming Wellington to Auckland race in February as well.
The club has also had several off road rides including the Pylon Track and Kiko Road with something for everyone if riding a bike is our thing. We hear of a cycling club forming in Taumaranui and look forward to meeting up and riding with them this year.
January is the start of the clubs financial year so reminding members that their annual subs ($20 senior $25 Family) are due now. Contact John at Plateau Cycles for more information.
The Club also meets monthly at the Sports Foundation headquaters to plan future happenings and the direction the club is going and any new projects we have. A recent example is the new emblazoned Shorts that have been a real hit with the riders. Thanks Particularly to Christina who ran the project. Combined with the previous vest the club stands out in the crowd.
Safe riding
W van der Aa
Monday, December 12, 2011
TTST - Letter Wally (montly report)
Hello everyone, well I have the bad habit of putting my hand up and I have volunteered to be part of the Turangi Tongariro Sports Foundation and we had our first meeting of the new season on Tuesday and it was a nice experience for me. Welcome to the new Chairman Anthony Hemopo and the able secretary Lesley “the legend” Hardisty
As the new boy I am listening and contributing where I can but I am in awe of those around me and the work they have done locally. With a hard core involved I am sure it will be a good year ahead.
There was considerable discussion of coming events such as the Turangi Triathlon and the training events “Splash and Dash” leading up to it with dates to be finalized but the splash and dash evenings will lead up 5 weeks before the Triathlon which is aimed specifically at the younger audience.
A report was given on the progress of the Combined sports centre proposed for Turangi Park and there is assistance being sought from SPARC and also council officers assisting in the Planning process. Kerrian Duff spoke confidently that there would be a good result. It was a step by step process but there is plenty of support from local and national organizations. There was mention to that there was a big weekend for Turangi coming in Easter 2013 for the Polo Crosse world Quadrangular Tournament , All hands on deck as they would say on a ship for this event. The time will pass quickly and this will the best occasion for Turangi to shine perhaps in its history.
Much discussion was had on how to get clubs to engage with the Sports foundation and the end result was to say to clubs it is here for you, providing opportunities to learn, to share ideas and learn from each others experiences and to help you grow or even survive. No club is too big or too small to be involved.
Finally the matter of maintaining the Current Club rooms, Dr Liaws old surgery, was brought up, so the Turangi yacht Club will mow the lawns before Xmas, that damned hand…. Other clubs will take their turn to give the lawns a once over. Probably have a once a year mow Graham reckons.
Thanks to the Sports Foundation for their efforts and Merry Xmas to all.
W van der Aa
Cycling Report
First we had several riders doing the great lake challenge in the severe wind I am told Gena did a superb job for the first 80 k leg into a serious head wind the many gave up on. sallyanne did the next leg getting a tail wind from Turangi back to the finish, well done all those who braved the day and thanks to those who assisted with roadside entertainment here at the fisherman.
During the week ride master Graeme Barrett selected a time trial reverse from tokaanu to turangi return and exact 10 km course made trickier with the wind. Darrell and I competed against the clock and as always Graeme kept time and assured by John walker whom could not ride himself .
Saturday saw a mountin bike ride over the pylon track, a favorite and special local track not for the faint hearted with serious climbs, granny gear and some technical ascents , always a challenge to get the last few meters up the hill, one day I'll get there'd on the pedals. Then, which ever way, there is a great downhill run slowly by me by fast as you like, no cops up here and I am sure the fast guys break the round town spend limit .
Sunday ws again organized by Graeme and he a had four riders compete in the grueling 18 km time trail 3 laps of the hirangi loop . Again the westerly southerly breeze swirled and gave little advantage all the way around the loop. This s a points meeting with myself and margret picking up 5 points a piece, the points are close with just a few rides left.
saturday was also the half iron man and we had a team of Wim ( swim) Gena ( cycle) and Sallyanne . The day was good and they did well. Congratulations also to Jenny our local iron lady out there training for next years iron man event.
it was pleasing to here that Turangi has been selected as a site for a large sculpture noting The district as a Cycling Destination. Sites are being appraised this week.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Cycling Report
The Guitarman
W van der Aa
alarms and aerials